Welcome to my Blog Space

Hi I'm Bonnie and this is my blog for friends and family to keep up to date with my new cancer diagnosis. 
Rocking My Disease may seem like a slightly optimistic title but I'm sticking with it because that is my aim. I am very much realistic about this disease and not one for false optimism. Nevertheless, it was the first name I sent my friend and web designer Catherine as a suggested title. She liked it and so it was to be.
August 4, 2023
Fly high dear Bonnie, fly high circle the Universe and keep shining

Bonnie sadly passed away at 12:30am, 1 August 2023 - she is so missed. Bonnie was an incredible, strong woman. Her urgency to fight for what she believed in shone through every day. Bonnie cared deeply for human rights, for the vulnerable, for the environment and never stopped speaking up for what was in her […]

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July 27, 2023
Isn't it Strange How the Mind Works?

I had chemo on Tuesday and I think I tolerated it really well. I feel like my liver is going down, I feel well mentally amongst all the other stuff that is going on. I feel good and positive even though I intellectually know that a 17ml dose – yes less than that cough medicine […]

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July 24, 2023
Updates, Apologies and More

Let’s start with the apology. Time got away, life was going as well as possible, and so I got busy. Things crept up slowly at first and we didn’t recognise all the signs, and by then, I was so fatigued that I didn’t have the capacity to update here. However many of you have been […]

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September 9, 2022
September 2022 Update - Unfortunately I've Had Progression

When I last wrote I had achieved ‘no evidence of active disease’ status and was going off treatment to see how long it - this wonderful stage of normalcy - could last. The experiment has been conducted and the conclusions are in, I’m just not too happy with the results. I had the best three […]

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April 25, 2022
I did it - technically I am cancer free! 

Right now, I am very happy. My CT and bone scan results were exactly as I had hoped, and I have achieved no evidence of active disease in my body. That’s a reason to celebrate.

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September 16, 2021
So I started chemo this week...

And it is as shitty as I expected.

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Hello, I'm Bonnie Cassen

I am a mother, grandmother, editor, writer, and climate activist. I am also living with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer since July 2021. This is my blog for friends and family to keep them up to date with my treatment, and share experiences, philosophies on life, and death, and perhaps other things as well.
Copyright Bonnie Cassen | All Rights Reserved